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Mexico confirms first case of highly pathogenic AH5 bird flu in Sonora

Mexico detected the first case of highly pathogenic avian influenza AH5 this season in a poultry production unit in the city of Cajeme, state of Sonora, northwest of the country, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader) reported this Saturday.

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In a statement, the agency stated that due to epidemiological surveillance carried out by technicians from the National Agro-food Health, Safety and Quality Service (Senasica), “the official laboratory located in Hermosillo, Sonora, reported positive results to the Avian influenza H5 of high pathogenicity, by the RT-PCR test.”

After that, technicians from the Mexico-United States Commission for the Prevention of Foot and Mouth Disease and Other Animal Diseases (CPA) in Senasica went to the area to diagnose the situation and “apply counter-epidemic measures”. to contain the spread of virus”.

Among the first measures adopted, the General Directorate of Animal Health (DGSA) “declared definitive total quarantine for the farm affected and the state of Sonora in internal quarantine”, which implies that to mobilize birds of the state’s Poultry Production Units (UPA) “it is necessary to present proof of PCR that proves the absence of the disease”.

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Furthermore, the DGSA reported that Senasica laboratories are already carrying out the necessary tests to obtain more data on the virus that affected this UPA, to which chickens previously vaccinated with the immunogen applied last year will be exposed.

“Once the effectiveness of the biological product to protect birds from the strain that entered this year has been proven, Senasica will authorize the strategic application of the vaccine and will begin in Sound,” Sader said.

The agency specified that the vaccination strategy could begin in the first days of November, in areas of high animal health risk and on farms dedicated to animal husbandry. chickens parents and breeders, as they are essential to preserve the production of chicken meat and eggs to supply the country.

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Likewise, he said, birds can be vaccinated in areas of high poultry production, at the request of producers who wish to do so, for which they must demonstrate through laboratory studies that their birds are free from the virus. virus and receive the care of a responsible veterinarian authorized by Senasica.

The institution recalled that the affected production unit has 90,000 chickens of laying, located in six warehouses and in one of them, 15,000 birds were sacrificed, which were 110 weeks old and are considered chickens at the end of their production cycle.

In the field investigation carried out by official personnel, it was found that 40 meters from the farm there is an irrigation canal with an abundant number of migratory ducks, making it necessary to take extreme biosecurity measures to avoid new infections.

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Senasica recalled that the main preventive practice is the application of strict biosecurity measures on farms, in addition to establishing sanitary protocols for people who enter the UPA, washing and disinfecting all vehicles and said that it is essential “not to move sick or dead birds, which must be isolated or, where appropriate, disposed of in a hygienic manner.

Source: Elcomercio

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