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STRAIGHT. War between Israel and Hamas: high tension on the border with Lebanon


  • This Monday marks the 24th day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, sparked by attacks by the Islamist movement on October 7.
  • The Hamas offensive killed 1,400 Israelis. On the Palestinian side, more than 8,000 Gazans were killed in retaliatory bombings, according to the Islamist organization.
  • 35 French people were killed by Hamas terrorists. Nine are being held hostage or are missing.
  • Israel has stepped up its strikes and attacks this weekend, with the army deeming the Gaza City area a “battlefield.”
  • Hamas said it was ready to “immediately” release hostages held in Gaza on the condition that all Palestinian prisoners held by Israel are released.
  • Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak insisted on the need for “urgent humanitarian support” in Gaza.

Cyprus authorities fear mass arrival of migrants

Within a week, 458 Syrian migrants from Lebanon arrived in Cyprus. Authorities fear more arrivals as the conflict between Israel and the Hamas terrorist movement threatens to widen. According to the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, the ability to cope with the large number of migrants was limited.


High tensions on the border with Lebanon

Since early October 7, there have been almost daily skirmishes on the border between Lebanon and Israel between the Israeli army and pro-Palestinian armed groups, including the Lebanese Hezbollah. Overnight, the Quds Brigades, the military arm of Palestinian Islamic Jihad with a presence in Lebanon, announced on Telegram that two of its members had been killed in Hanitha in northern Israel after they managed to “cross the security barrier.” , prompting numerous gunshots throughout the night.


Ten trucks entered Rafah this Sunday

According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, ten aid trucks were able to enter Gaza on Sunday through the Rafah crossing with Egypt, bringing the number of vehicles that have arrived since October 21 to 94. The 360 ​​m² area housing 2.4 million inhabitants deprived of everything will need 100 per day.


UN fears collapse of ‘public order’

Following the looting of warehouses and food aid distribution centres, the UN agency for Palestine refugees warned this Sunday of a collapse of “public order”.


Attack on the airport in Dagestan: 60 detained, 9 police officers injured

In the clashes, sixty people suspected of storming an airport in Russia’s Dagestan region in search of Israelis were arrested and nine police officers were injured, according to Russian authorities.

“More than 150 active participants in the riots have been identified, sixty of them have been arrested,” the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs said in a statement, adding that two wounded police officers were hospitalized.

The United States condemned the “anti-Semitic demonstrations” that took place at the airport.


‘Heavy fighting’ in Gaza this Sunday

On the ground, Hamas reported on Sunday evening “brutal fighting (…) using automatic and anti-tank weapons” in the northern Gaza Strip, where the Israeli army has been operating on the ground since Friday evening. Earlier, he assured that his air force “led by (ground) troops carried out strikes on Hamas military targets in the northern Gaza Strip” and reported rocket fire from Palestinian territory towards central and southern Israel.


Good morning

And welcome to a new live broadcast dedicated to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, which has lasted for 24 days.

Source: Le Parisien

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