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“My goal was to shock”: why the Israeli ambassador to the UN wore a yellow star

This gesture caused a strong reaction. Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Gilad Erdan on Sunday defended his controversial choice to wear a yellow star during Monday’s U.N. Security Council meeting, explaining that he wanted to push the body to condemn Hamas. “I want to emphasize that my goal was first and foremost to shock the Security Council,” he said on CNN.

During this meeting, the ambassador presented himself with a yellow star on his chest, the wearing of which the Nazis forced on Jews, which drew strong condemnation, in particular from the Israeli Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem.

Its director Dani Dayan criticized the act, which “disgraces the victims of the Holocaust as well as the State of Israel,” in a message published on X (formerly Twitter), calling on the ambassador to instead fly the colors of the Israeli flag. . Asked about the matter on Sunday, Gilad Erdan defended himself, once again criticizing the UN Security Council’s “silence” on the deadly Oct. 7 attack by Hamas in Israel.

“I wanted to remind them of their silence.”

“I wanted to remind them of their silence and send them a message that, unlike what happened in the past, we are no longer as weak as we were during the Holocaust,” he said. He confirmed, adding: “It is for this reason that the words were written there never ever “.

The deeply divided Council did not pass any resolution on the war between Israel and Hamas. “We will wear this star until you wake up and condemn the atrocities of Hamas,” the ambassador said Monday.

Faced with a Security Council impasse, the UN General Assembly took control and overwhelmingly adopted on Friday a non-binding resolution calling for an “immediate humanitarian truce” but without mentioning Hamas.

Source: Le Parisien

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