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Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 shook the Dominican Republic this Friday, 10

A 5.2 magnitude earthquake shook much of the Dominican Republic this Friday, without causing any personal or material damage, according to the Fire Department.

According to the Dominican National Center for Seismology, the earthquake occurred at 1:22 pm local time (5:22 pm GMT), at a depth of 23 kilometers, with its epicenter 8.7 kilometers from Las Matas de Santa Cruz, in the province of Montecristi. , in the northwest of the Dominican Republic.

The Montecristi Fire Department assured EFE that “everything is in order” and that there was no damage of any kind. “It was a little scare,” they said simply.

The earthquake was felt throughout the north of the Dominican Republic and even in Santo Domingo (at the opposite end, in the south of the country), and sirens were activated in some offices.

Some reports also indicate that the earthquake was felt in neighboring Haiti and the Turks and Caicos Islands.

The island of Hispaniola, shared by the Dominican Republic and Haiti, is located in an area of ​​great seismic activity due to a system of more than a dozen geological faults that cross almost the entire land mass and some nearby marine areas.

In the Dominican Republic, hundreds of earthquakes occur every month, generally of low intensity.

Source: Elcomercio

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