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Israeli army calls for evacuation of Gaza hospitals because they are “very dangerous areas”

Israeli Army Spokesperson Pedro Lener today once again asked the Palestinians to Link evacuate the hospitals in the strip, besieged by troops of Israelwhy “These are very dangerous areas to be in.”.

We encouraged hospital administrators for almost a month (Al-Shifa, to be evacuated) and we discourage people from gathering at the hospital or in their gardens. These are very dangerous areas to be in and we are trying to push for their evacuation.“Lener said in a virtual appearance before the media.

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In contrast to Lener’s call for evacuation, the Strip’s Ministry of Health, governed by the Islamic group Hamasassured that Israeli snipers positioned in the buildings around Al Shifa shoot at anyone trying to leave or move between the various medical centers in the hospital complex.

The Israeli military spokesman insisted that Hamas “turned hospitals into fortified positions”, then they are military objectives.

That’s the policy we’re trying to make. We advance every day to wherever they (Hamas fighters) hide and engage and we will make sure they can never attack us again.Lener concluded.

An Army operations officer who also participated in the press conference assured that he had seen at least “five or six”“Hamas terrorists“among the civilians gathered at the Al Shifa ya premises”several more“inside the hospital.

Lener, who accused Hamas of trying to prevent the evacuation of civilians to the south of the Strip, noted that there are still several thousand people in Al Shifa’s gardens and outdoor common areas.

The Israeli Army announced today a new evacuation route on the Mediterranean coast and a three-hour extension of the “humanitarian breaks”to allow the exit of Palestinian civilians from northern Gaza strip heading south on the highway Salah al-Din.

Al Shifa Hospital, the largest on the Strip Linkwas left without electricity due to attacks by Israelwhich is causing the deaths of the first patients, the Gaza Ministry of Health announced today.

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The Al Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza was left without water, fuel, food, electricity and telecommunications, with thousands of people inside, including the injured, patients and displaced people.“, assured the Gaza Ministry of Health in a brief statement.

Likewise, he warned that the pediatric intensive care unit, where there are 39 newborns, stopped working and that at least one of them died as a result of the power cut.

Today too, the NGO Doctors Without Borders (MSF) reported that Israeli attacks on Al Shifa hospital intensified overnight “dramatic”And he insisted on his call to stop attacks on hospitals and protect health facilities, medical staff and patients.

Source: Elcomercio

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