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Jesús Ociel Baena was murdered by his partner, who later committed suicide, according to the Mexican prosecutor’s office

Jesús Ociel Baena, a member of a Mexican electoral tribunal with a non-binary identity and an activist for LGBT rights, died with his throat slit with a razor blade by his partner, who later took his own life in the same way, according to the prosecutor’s preliminary report. . comments.

“We consider that first the deprivation of the life of the ‘magistrate‘and then self-deprivation of his partner,” Jesús Figueroa, prosecutor for the state of Mexico, told the Milenio network on Tuesday. Aguascalientes (center), where the events took place.

LOOK: What is known about the death of Jesús Ociel Baena, the first non-binary person in the electoral judiciary in Mexico?

After learning of the discovery of the bodies on Monday, In different locations in Mexico, demonstrations were held by LGBT groups to denounce that it was a murder motivated by Baena’s non-binary identity.

But the prosecutor highlighted that For now, there are no elements that suggest a “hate crime” nor evidence that “a different person” intervened in the events that occurred in the city of AguascalientesState’s capital.

According to initial investigations, the security cameras at the Baena show that the only movements detected are those of him and his companion, who arrived on Monday morning. The bodies were found about seven hours later.

Baena38 years, had reported threats on social media for declaring himself non-binarythat is, he did not identify as male or female.

At the end of last July, he revealed that The authorities granted him protective measures against “multiple attacks” and “death threats”.

The prosecutor explained that Baena had 20 injuries; one of them, the one that cost him his life, in the jugular vein.

His partner, who the prosecution identifies as Dorian Danielhad cuts on his fingers, apparently caused by manipulation of The small razor blade with which he allegedly committed the attack. Then he would have taken his life cutting his neck.

This Tuesday, Félix Medina, responsible for human rights at the Ministry of the Interior (Ministry of the Interior), requested that the incident be investigated in accordance with the protocols established in cases of attacks on the community. LGBT.

“That no evidence is discarded and that contextual analysis and other elements that allow us to know the truth are also taken into account,” said Medina at President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s usual conference.

Baena, who called himself “magistrate”, He was the first Mexican to receive a non-binary passport.

Source: Elcomercio

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