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Sergio Massa insists that if he becomes president “a new stage will begin in Argentina”

The official presidential candidate Argentina, Sergio Massacurrent Minister of Economy, insisted this Thursday, the last day of the electoral campaign, that if he is elected president in the second round next Sunday, December 10, “a new stage will begin” in the South American country.

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Massa reiterated in this way that he is also a candidate who represents “change”, just like his opponent, the extreme right. Javier Mileiin a speech to businesspeople from the Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production at a lunch organized in a hotel in Buenos Aires.

The Unión por la Patria (Peronism) candidate is the current Minister of Economy of a country that last October reached annual inflation of 142.7% and suffers from more than 40% poverty.

Pasta He is the leader of the governing party, but seeks to distance himself from the lackluster management of Alberto Fernández and the figure of former president Cristina Fernández (2007-2015), current vice president.

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“On December 10th, I want to be the president who buries the (ideological) split”, concluded his speech Massa, a president who “seats” businesspeople at the table to “open more markets”, to “generate more work”, which “ inaugurate a new stage in which dialogue is the hallmark” and “put an end to the idea of ​​the enemy friend”, of having to choose between the countryside and industry, the countryside or the city and understanding that “the past is no longer discussed” .

The minister will face the leader of the Advances of Freedoman ‘outsider’ who calls for the choice between “continuity or change” and who, after reaching the second round, obtained the support of former president Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) and former presidential candidate Patricia Bullrich, third in the general elections of October .

Pasta He acknowledged that “after so many years of public life”, some people “may have doubts” about him and his ideas.

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Before being Minister of Economy (since July 2022), he was president of the Chamber of Deputies since 2019, national deputy between 2013 and 2017, mayor of the city of Tigre, in the province of Buenos Aires (2007-2008 and 2009-2013); Chief of Staff to Cristina Fernández in 2008, and head of the social security body -Anses- between 2002 and 2007, among other positions.

“It is essential to have a country and a government that defends industry”, that defends “participation in markets and increases them”, Massa emphasized to businesspeople.

And he stressed that the “risks” of choosing Mileicandidate who proposes that the State not have relations with “communist” countries, such as Brazil and China, Argentina’s two main trading partners, is a loss of activity and jobs.

Source: Elcomercio

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