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The US threatens sanctions against Guatemala after new action by the Public Ministry against Arévalo

U.S threatened this Friday to impose new economic sanctions and visa restrictions against authorities of Guatemala If the elected president, Bernardo Arevalo de Leónof the party Seed Movementwill not take office on January 14th.

We are ready to use all our instruments to combat this attack on democracy in Guatemalaincluding economic, sectoral or visa sanctions”, assured the Assistant Secretary of the State Department for Latin America, Brian Nicholsin an interview with EFE during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC), in San Francisco (California).

LOOK HERE: Guatemala: Arévalo denounces “attack on democracy” after request to withdraw his immunity

The US representative was, however, confident that Arévalo de León will serve as president of the Central American country because “the people who are trying to stop the democratic transition will fail”.

These statements arrive on the same day as the Guatemalan Public Ministry He stated that he will request the withdrawal of Arévalo’s immunity, as well as that of the elected vice president, Karin Herrerafor alleged damage to the property of the state university.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office accuses them of the crimes of aggravated usurpation, vandalism of cultural property and illicit association after participating in the seizure of the university campus in 2022.

He public ministry Guatemala interfered in this year’s elections, won by Arévalo de León, and attempted to legally suspend the Seed Movement.

The government itself U.S and the Organization of American States (OAS) condemned the Public Ministry’s judicial intervention against the elections, considering it an attack on the popular will.

MORE INFORMATION: Guatemala: Public Ministry will request the removal of the immunity of the elected president and vice-president

For his part, Arévalo de León publicly denounced since September 1st that the attorney general, Consuelo Porrasleads an attempted “coup d’état” to prevent him from taking office on January 14th.

Arévalo de León’s victory at the polls occurred in August, in a second round where he beat the former first lady Sandra Torreswho never publicly accepted his defeat.

This led to massive demonstrations on the streets of Guatemala Citywhere a dozen indigenous people still hold protests against the Public Ministry headquarters that have lasted 46 days.

Source: Elcomercio

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