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Petro targets world leaders in APEC: “Those who allow war are sitting here”

The Colombian president, Gustavo Pedropointed out this Thursday to world leaders in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC, in its acronym in English), among which were the American Joe Bidenfor its role in current wars.

Here are those who allow war, barbarism“Petro said during his speech at the leaders’ summit of the APECfrom which Colombia It is not an official part, and it was private, but the Colombian Presidency reported on social media.

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The Colombian president, who actively participated in the Palestinian cause and promised to bring Israel The International Criminal Court for war crimes, took advantage of his intervention at the circular table to reinforce his position, which directly contrasts with that of countries such as U.Shost of the meeting held in San Francisco.

In this world, if we cross the climate crisis with the world’s political and military tensions, we will discover that what is falling from our hands is the International human law (DIH). What was created after the defeat of the Nazis, a kind of democratic world, a forum for discussions and tensions, with peaceful solutions, is now collapsing.“, said the Colombian head of state.

And he continued: “A world without IHL and with the prospect of a climate crisis that would drive tens of thousands of people into exodus is practically the prelude to barbarism.”.

President Biden, who is the host, was tasked with opening the two-day summit that follows a high-profile week in San Francisco, with high-level meetings between foreign, trade and finance ministers at 9 p.m. economies that are part of APEC. .

Biden’s speech, before APEC leaders seated at a circular table, focused on the effects that the climate crisis is having on the economy and highlighted the importance of all countries joining forces to avoid extreme weather events, such as droughts or floods.

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Petro intervened after 20 other leaders in a three-minute speech that was going to talk about sustainability, climate and economic transition, but took advantage of the moment to make this call for attention, ensuring that “If we want to decarbonize the economies that are here, we must end the war (…) and here we are, the governments that can stop the war”.

The Colombian president had already made a similar appeal on November 3 in washington during a meeting with several leaders from the region in The White House.

I told Biden the massacre could no longer be allowed“, reported Petro after the meeting, emphasizing – once again – that “The rupture of international law that we are contemplating produces more violence, more barbarism and democratic destruction”.

Source: Elcomercio

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