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Palestinian minister tells UN that Israel “is literally wiping us off the map”

The Palestinian Foreign Minister, Riad Al Malkihe cried this Wednesday before the United Nations Security Council that Israel is “erasing the map” Palestinewhile complaining to the world that it faces the threat of its own destruction.

We are being expelled from History and Geography“, he said Al Malkiafter remembering how, last September, his prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu brandished in front of UN General Assembly a map of Middle East on what Palestine had disappeared and its place was taken entirely Israel.

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Al Malki participated, together with numerous Arab and Muslim foreign ministers, in a Council session that the Chinese rotating presidency called for today at ministerial level to give greater emphasis to the concern of China about the war in Linka conflict in which Beijing maintained from the outset a very critical stance towards Israel.

AND Palestine one who faces a plan to destroy him, a plan implemented in broad daylight with laws and policies brutally enforced by soldiers and settlers“, he insisted, and highlighted that, in parallel with the war in Link, Israel is running its own campaign against West Bank.

Just before he spoke Al Malkithe special coordinator of UN to Palestine, Tor Wenneslandpresented some figures on the violence recorded in the West Bank, mainly by Israeli settlers, which has already claimed the lives of 154 Palestinians (37 of them children) since 7 October, the day the war began in Link.

Al Malki He wondered how the whole world rejects Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories and at the same time talks about accountability: “This accountability cannot come from a Government whose agenda is that of the settlers themselves, led by settlers and which financial settlements”.

We need international protection and international action against impunity to prevent the repetition of these crimes (by the settlers) perpetrated daily and in plain sight.“He demanded Al Malki.

And despite all the policies of Israel annihilate Palestine, Al Malki He said they would be of no use: “No land force can eradicate the Palestinians from Palestine, nor Palestine from their hearts, wherever they may be. The Palestinian people are here and will remain herehe warned.

Source: Elcomercio

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