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Lula calls France protectionist for opposing the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union

Lula calls France protectionist for opposing the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union

Lula calls France protectionist for opposing the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union

The president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silvaevaluated France protectionist after the president Emmanuel Macron this Saturday in Dubai expressed its opposition to the agreement between the Mercosur and the European Unionof which he said that “It’s not good for anyone”.

According to Lula, the French president’s position is not the same as that of European Union.

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Each country has the right to have a position. France has always been the most difficult country to reach agreements, because is more protectionist. It is not the same position as the European Union“, said the Brazilian president to the Brazilian media who approached him in the corridors of the summit.

The French President justified his opposition to the agreement in a press conference this Saturday saying that it was contradictory despite the fact that he himself, in 2019 and after two decades of negotiations, had given the green light so that it could finally be presented for ratification by the Member States of the HUH.

This is an agreement completely contradictory to what you are doing. Brazil and what we are doing. The agreement was negotiated 20 years ago and we tried to amend it, in a negative way, because this agreement does not take biodiversity or climate into account.” he added.

After two decades of arduous conversations, in 2019 the HUH it’s him Mercosur They reached a general political agreement to seal the pact, leaving the resolution of some technical aspects pending.

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But this discussion has been complicated by the emergence of new demands on both sides of the table, especially those related to EU environmental issues.

Mercosur will hold its biannual summit between Wednesday and Thursday next week in Rio de Janeiro and hoped to announce the positive conclusion of negotiations with the EU in those days, something that seems postponed.

During the Mercosur summit, Brazil will hand over the bloc’s rotating presidency to Paraguaya country that has stated that negotiations with the European bloc will not be a priority during its mandate.

Source: Elcomercio

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