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The Pope regrets the end of the truce in Gaza and calls for a new ceasefire as soon as possible

He Pope Francis This Sunday mourned the end of the truce between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas in Link and urged both to implement a new ceasefire as soon as possible.

The situation is serious in Israel It is Palestine. It pains us that the truce has been broken. It means death, destruction, misery“, declared the pontiff, who suffers from bronchitis, in a text read in Italian by one of his assistants after the Angelus prayer.

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Many hostages have been released, but many remain in Link. We think of them, of their families who saw a light, a hope of reuniting with their loved ones.“, he continued, in that message read from his private residence and broadcast on giant screens in Saint Peter’s Square.

There is a lot of suffering in Gazalack of basic needs“, denounced.

The Vatican reported on Saturday that the 86-year-old pope would give up reciting the traditional Angelus prayer in St. Peter’s Square, from the window of the apostolic palace in Pomegranate for “avoid exposure to temperature changes”.

The Argentine Jesuit sent a brief greeting on Sunday, before his assistant read his text.

Francisco, who in his youth underwent a partial ablation of a lung, was forced to cancel his visit to Dubai participate in the United Nations climate conference.

In his place, the Vatican’s number two, Cardinal Pietro ParolinState Secretary.

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Parolin read a speech on Saturday in which the Pope asked COP participants to “inflection point” to speed up the ecological transition.

The pope presided over his weekly audience on Wednesday with difficulty breathing and fatigue, and asked an assistant to read the text in his place.

Francisco, who will turn 87 in December, suffered several health problems, including his knees, hips and colon.

Source: Elcomercio

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