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President of Guyana considers Maduro’s statements to be “a direct threat”

President of Guyana considers Maduro’s statements to be “a direct threat”

President of Guyana considers Maduro’s statements to be “a direct threat”

The president of Guyana, Irfaan Aliassured this Tuesday that the statements made by his counterpart Venezuela, Nicolás MaduroI’m a “direct threat” against his country, and rejected the measures announced by the Venezuelan president in the territory he claims of Georgetown.

This is a direct threat to the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Guyana.“, said Ali after Maduro ordered the state oil company PDVSA deliver licenses for exploration in the region of Essequibothe area that is disputed with Guyana and which is managed by Georgetown.

LOOK HERE: Maduro orders immediate exploration of oil, gas and mines in Essequibo, territory in dispute with Guyana

Information under development…

Source: Elcomercio

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