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Israeli bombings destroy Gaza’s Grand Mosque, its oldest Muslim temple

Israeli bombings destroy Gaza’s Grand Mosque, its oldest Muslim temple

Israeli bombings destroy Gaza’s Grand Mosque, its oldest Muslim temple

Israeli bombings destroyed Al Omari Mosque in Gazathe largest and oldest of Rangeinformed this Friday the City Council of the city of Link in a message via his official Facebook account.

“He Gaza City Council condemns the attack by the Israeli occupation on Gdirected the Al Omari Mosquelocated in the historic center of the city of Linkdenounced the City Council, which assured that the bombing of the Muslim temple is “part of the policy of destruction” of Israel against “historical and archaeological monuments of the city”.

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As he added in his statement, where it is possible to see two photos of the temple reduced almost completely to rubble, “O Al Omari Mosque It is the largest and oldest in the Ancient LinkIt is “one of the islamic monuments and most notable historical events” doa Range.

The temple was initially built as a Byzantine church in the 5th century and later converted into a mosque in the 5th century. VII by the caliph’s Arab generals Umar Ibn al Khatabin the first period of Muslim rule of Range.

After its destruction, the Gaza City Council asked UNESCO “intervene and condemn the actions of the occupation (Israel) against symbols, monuments and heritage of Link”.

According to him, the bombings carried out by Israel in the last two months of the war – which sowed a scenario of extensive material devastation – “they did not exclude the city’s main monuments”, in what you see as “part of the attempts” in Israel “destroy religious and national monuments that embody the symbol and identity of the Palestinian people.”

This Thursday, Israeli attacks also destroyed the ancient mosque of Otman Bin Qashqar, another of the oldest temples in the Rangealso located in Old City of Gazain an attack that also caused injuries and fatalities.

According to the authorities of Linkcontrolled by Islamic group Hamasmost of the buildings in the historic center of Range were destroyed in this conflict, including twenty historic buildings.

Likewise, nine publishers and libraries in the Range and 21 cultural centers “were totally or partially destroyed”.

The damage caused to centers that preserve the historical memory of Gaza is also evident in other attacks such as the one that destroyed the central archive of the Gaza City Council, said this Thursday the Birzeit UniversityPalestinian academic center West Bank.

Source: Elcomercio

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