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Putin will run again for president in the 2024 elections

The Russian President, Vladimir Putinannounced this Friday, on the sidelines of a ceremony, that he will run again for the position in the presidential elections of March 2024, reported the country’s three main press agencies.

put on71 years old, He was first elected president of Russia in 2000 and won four presidential elections. Between 2008 and 2012 he served as prime minister in a political system where opposition is almost non-existent.

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put on this Friday he communicated to the lieutenant colonel Artiom ZhogaRussian army officer, his decision to participate in the upcoming elections following an awards ceremony for military personnel in Kremlin.

We are very happy that the president listened to our request and came forward” he claimed Zogaquoted by the state news agency RIA News.

It is expected that put on make a formal announcement of your participation in these elections, scheduled between March 15 and 17, 2024.

Our president has never avoided and does not avoid responsible decisions“, he said Valentina Matvienkopresident of Upper House of the Russian Parliament.

Today he confirmed it once again. He confirmed it at the time of a historic election and a historic challenge” he added.

In this race put on does not face any relevant opponent and, according to analysts, You are likely to look to expand its powers to hide internal differences over the offensive in Ukraine which started in February 2022.

Several human rights groups denounce that previous elections have been hampered by irregularities and that the work of independent observers may be impeded in the near future.

Source: Elcomercio

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