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Guatemala: 5 keys to understanding the “coup attempt” against Bernardo Arévalo de León

Guatemala: 5 keys to understanding the “coup attempt” against Bernardo Arévalo de León

Guatemala: 5 keys to understanding the “coup attempt” against Bernardo Arévalo de León

The Public Ministry (Ministério Público) of Guatemala tried again last Friday to overturn the triumph of the president-elect, the academic Bernardo Arevalo de Leónwith new accusations against him and also against the Superior Electoral Court.

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These are the keys to understanding the “attempted coup d’état”, as the Organization of American States (OAS) called it, in Guatemala, where Arevalo de Leon It must be invested on January 14th in accordance with the law.

1. The prosecution of the Public Prosecutor’s Office

Since July, after the surprising second place in the Arevalo de Leon, the Public Prosecutor’s Office tried in several criminal cases to reverse Arévalo de León’s victory and given its little progress in that section, it also waged a criminal battle against the Supreme Electoral Court.

According to experts and analysts, this is because an investiture by Arévalo de León on January 14 would be the beginning of an anti-corruption regime, which in turn would bring to justice dozens of employees, former employees, businesspeople, ministers, for bribery. military personnel, deputies and former presidents, in addition to the leadership of the Public Ministry itself.

2. The Electoral Court in ruins

Despite attempts by the Public Prosecutor’s Office to annul this Friday’s elections, the Supreme Electoral Court He indicated at a press conference that the election results are sealed and accredited.

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However, the Court is in disarray, as four of its sitting judges have left the country due to persecution by the Public Prosecutor’s Office. Even the president of the Court, Blanca Alfaro, said that a resolution from the country’s highest court, the Constitutional Court, has the power to annul the elections.

3. The Constitutional Court

The country’s highest court, the Constitutional Court, will therefore have the final decision on the elections and annulment of them would be unprecedented since the implementation of democracy in 1986. So far, the judges have not commented.

The Court is made up of judges mostly linked to the current president, Alejandro Giammattei, and his allies in Congress.

MORE INFORMATION | Bernardo Arévalo rejects the Guatemalan Public Prosecutor’s Office’s accusations against him

4. Giammattei Environment

On December 1, the United States sanctioned the former official of the current Government Miguel Martínez Morales with the “Magnitsky Law”, accusing him of million-dollar cases of corruption and other alleged crimes. The sanction was announced shortly after Congress removed the immunity of electoral magistrates.

As recently stated by the opposition deputy and first openly homosexual legislator in the history of Guatemala, Aldo Dávila, Martínez Morales would be Giammattei’s romantic partner.

In this regard, consulted by the local press, Martinez Morales He said “you say so yourself”, without further comment on the matter.

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5. Pressure from the United States and the OAS

In the last 45 days, three delegations from U.S They arrived in the Central American country to meet with local authorities and verify the electoral transition process.

Added to this is a group of senators and legislators who arrived in Guatemala this Friday. However, the Public Ministry this Friday rejected any type of international interference and everything indicates that it is willing to continue the fight to reverse the electoral results.

Source: Elcomercio

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