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Milei greets her followers by singing on the balcony of Casa Rosada

Milei greets her followers by singing on the balcony of Casa Rosada

Milei greets her followers by singing on the balcony of Casa Rosada

The president of Argentina, Javier Mileiappeared for the first time on the main balcony of the Casa Rosada, the seat of government of the South American country, and greeted those present in Plaza de Mayo by singing and declaring “the end of the populist night”.

Milei overlooked the historic balcony of the Pink House after greeting international leaders in the palace hall and sitting for the first time in the president’s office.

WATCH: LIVE Javier Milei takes office as the new president of Argentina on a historic day for the country

From there, The new ruler began singing “Panic Show”, a big hit by the Argentine hard rock group La Renga. which has accompanied him since the beginning of his career to the Presidency of the Republic and where “lions”, the animals associated with the libertarian, are mentioned.

“Today is the rebirth of a Argentina prosperous and liberal”, proclaimed Mileiwearing the albiceleste presidential sash and holding the walking stick worn by Argentine heads of state on the day of their investiture.

“I will begin the reconstruction of Argentina after more than a hundred years of decline,” said the president, who did not hide the difficulties that the country will face in the first months of his term.

The new president of Argentina, Javier Milei, speaks to the crowd on the balcony of the Casa Rosada on the day of his inauguration in Buenos Aires, on December 10, 2023. (Photo by Pablo PORCÍUNCULA/AFP). (PABLO PORCIÚNCULA/)

But despite the “period of difficulties” they will face, Argentines “They will advance”he proclaimed.

He President He thanked those present for “the affection shown” by “a liberal libertarian president”, the first in history worldwide, according to Milei.

Subsequently, The president described his political doctrine, summarized in a phrase by the controversial Argentine intellectual Alberto Benegas Lynch, whom he considers the “hero” of libertarians.

“Liberalism is the unrestricted respect for the life project of others, based on the principle of non-aggression, in defense of the right to life, liberty and property, whose fundamental institutions are private property, markets free from state intervention, free competition, division of labor and social cooperation”, he declared in front of a crowd carrying Argentine flags and libertarian symbols.

“Let us embrace these ideas and we will become power again. “May God bless us and may the Forces of Heaven guide us in creating the best government in history!”, concluded the president.

Behind him, Milei had at all times his sister and main advisor, Karina Milei, and his companion, Fátima Flórez, with those who don’t live.

Source: Elcomercio

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