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Javier Milei: “Wherever you look, the situation in Argentina is an emergency”

Javier Milei: “Wherever you look, the situation in Argentina is an emergency”

Javier Milei: “Wherever you look, the situation in Argentina is an emergency”

The president of Argentina, Javier Mileihighlighted this Sunday in his address to citizens after taking the oath that not only the state of the economy is deplorable, but that “in all spheres, wherever you look, the situation in Argentina is an emergency”.

“The situation in Argentina is critical and emergency” insisted Milei dressed in the presidential sash, in a stand installed at the foot of the steps of the National Congressin the presence of the main international representatives who attended his presidential inauguration and in front of tens of thousands of citizens gathered.

WATCH: LIVE Javier Milei takes office as the new president of Argentina on a historic day for the country

The new president stated that in terms of security, “Argentina has become a bloodbath”that one of the most important cities in the country – in an implicit allusion to Rosário – was “hijacked” by drug trafficking and violence, that citizens were “abandoned” by the political class and that only 3% of crimes carry some type of sentence.

“The ‘go, go’ of criminals is over,” he promised as the crowd shouted “Po-li-cia, poli-cia!”

In social matters, Milei described that “half of the population is poor, with the social fabric completely broken”Therefore, around twenty million Argentines “cannot live a decent life” and six million children and young people go to bed hungry, walk barefoot in the streets or have fallen into drugs.

“Anti-poverty plans create more poverty,” said the new Argentine ruler, who insisted that “the only way to get out of poverty is with more freedom”.

LOOK: Cristina Kirchner’s rude gesture when arriving at Congress for Javier Milei’s inauguration | VIDEO

Milei lamented the worrying education figures, a panorama that contrasted with the past, when Argentina became the first country “to end illiteracy in the world”. People responded, “They did it on purpose!”

In terms of healththe president said that the “system is completely collapsed”why there are “destroyed” hospitalsdoctors who charge “a pittance” and lack basic health services, a situation that, in his opinion, caused during the coronavirus pandemic Argentina 130 thousand dead, when there could have been only 30 thousand.

Milei criticized the “current state” that politicians talk about, because according to him it is a formula “to justify the enormous increase in public spending that only benefits” the political class.

In terms of the infrastructurewarned that only 16% of roads are paved and only 11% are in good condition, which is why 15,000 Argentines die every year in traffic accidents.

Javier Milei will be the president of Argentina for the period 2023-2027after having won the second electoral round, held on November 19, against the official candidate, the outgoing Economy Minister, Sergio Massa.

Source: Elcomercio

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