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Netanyahu expresses his “discontent” to Putin over Russia’s vote at the UN in favor of a ceasefire in Gaza

Netanyahu expresses his “discontent” to Putin over Russia’s vote at the UN in favor of a ceasefire in Gaza

Netanyahu expresses his “discontent” to Putin over Russia’s vote at the UN in favor of a ceasefire in Gaza

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahuhe expressed on Sunday to the Russian president, Vladimir Putinfrom him “discontent”after the vote of Russia at the United Nations Security Council in favor of a ceasefire between Israel It is Hamas in Link.

The Prime Minister expressed his dissatisfaction with the anti-Israel positions taken by Russian delegates at the UN and other forums”In a telephone conversation between the two leaders, a statement from Netanyahu’s office states.

LOOK HERE: Netanyahu thanks Biden for UN veto of ceasefire and shipment of around 14,000 tank munitions

Any country that has been hit by a criminal terrorist attack like the one that occurred Israel would have reacted with force at least equal to that which Israel is using,” he told Putin.

The resolution of security advice who called for a ceasefire in Gaza strip was vetoed on Friday U.S.

He October 7ththe Palestinian Islamic group Hamas carried out a bloody attack in southern Israel that killed 1,200 people, most of them civilians, according to Israeli authorities.

MORE INFORMATION: Evidence suggests that Hamas sexually abused dozens of women in Israel and mutilated their bodies

In response, Israel launched an air, sea and land offensive against Hamas, leaving at least 17,700 people dead in the Gaza Strip. Linkmainly women and minors, according to the Ministry of Health of the Palestinian territory, governed by Hamas.

Source: Elcomercio

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