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‘There is no choice but to fight’: Ukraine faces the challenge of a long war

Martial law fundamentally prohibits demonstrations in Ukraine. But no one dared point this out to the women who on Friday, as on the previous Saturday, gathered in Kiev with placards, children clinging to down jackets, to plead for the return of their husbands, stuck for almost two years holding back the Russian invasion. “Now it’s the others’ turn,” the mothers insisted. Forced by alarm to leave the main square of Kyiv, they ended the rally in the metro corridor.

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Their mobilization, which began timidly two months ago, poses a public question that many in the capital would rather not face: How does a country manage succession in a war with an uncertain outcome that everyone knows will belong to it? As the conflict enters its third year, Ukraine sees the emergence of a new danger: exhaustion.

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Source: Le Parisien

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