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War in Ukraine: Russian presidential elections will also be held in the occupied territories

This should anger Kyiv. Russian-occupied territories in eastern and southern Ukraine will take part in Russian presidential elections in March 2024, the Election Commission announced on Monday. A vote that, unsurprisingly, should lead to the re-election of Vladimir Putin. Members of the commission “unanimously” adopted a resolution endorsing the regime, Nikolai Bulaev, one of its officials, told the state news agency TASS.

Russia has already organized several elections in these territories (Zaporozhye, Kherson, Donetsk and Lugansk), which it declared annexation in September 2022, despite the fighting, international condemnation and the fact that Moscow only partially controls these regions. Just last week, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry considered that the organization of elections in these regions was “invalid” and “violates international law.”

Vladimir Putin announced this Friday that he is running for a fifth term in the March 17 presidential elections in Russia. The Russian head of state, who is allowed to run again in 2030 by a revised 2020 constitution, could theoretically remain in the Kremlin until 2036, when he turns 84. His re-election is hardly in doubt, especially since the opposition has been dismantled by repression. Nearly all major opponents, such as anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny, were jailed or sent into exile.

Source: Le Parisien

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