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The report that reveals that Russia lost 87% of the military it had before starting the war in Ukraine

Russia is suffering devastating blows war in Ukraine. According to a declassified intelligence report from U.Sthe president’s forces Vladimir Putin They lost 87% of the military personnel they had before the invasion that began in February 2022. But, contrary to what this could mean, they are willing to advance and continue to be a serious threat to Kiev.

According to CNN, the intelligence report was sent to Congress on Monday. U.Sat a time when some Republican lawmakers oppose their country continuing to provide funds for Ukraine.

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The revelation is part of the efforts of the President’s Government Joe Biden to get the Senate to approve supplemental funding for 61.4 billion dollars for Ukraine before the end of the year.

According to the US intelligence report, of the 360 ​​thousand soldiers who entered Ukrainebetween hired and recruited personnel, Russia lost 315 thousand on the battlefield (dead and wounded). What is more, Around 2,200 of its 3,500 tanks were destroyed. Also lost 4,400 of its 13,600 infantry fighting vehicles and armored military transport vehicles, representing a loss rate of 32%.

Ukrainian soldiers look at a destroyed Russian tank on a road in the village of Rusaniv, Kiev region, on April 16, 2022. (Photo by Genya SAVILOV/AFP). (GENIA SAVILOV/)

The American network specified that Russia managed to maintain the war by relaxing recruitment rules and drawing on Soviet reserves of old war material. Despite this, the assessment made by intelligence U.S concluded that the war “caused a serious setback in 15 years of Russian efforts to modernize its land forces”.

“At the end of November, Russia “It lost more than a quarter of the reserves of terrestrial material it had before the invasion,” says the assessment. “This reduced the complexity and scale of Russian offensive operations, which did not make significant progress in Ukraine since the beginning of 2022″.

The Kremlin kept losses during the invasion secret and says that Western estimates of the number of Russian deaths in the war are greatly exaggerated. The latest update is from November 2022, when the Russian Defense Ministry reported that 5,937 soldiers had died, Reuters indicated.

In turn, a report from The New York Times in August, which cited intelligence sources from U.Ssaid Russia’s casualties, including dead and wounded soldiers, were approaching 300,000, with approximately 120,000 dead and between 170,000 and 180,000 injured.

The body of a Russian soldier lies near destroyed Russian military vehicles on the side of a road on the outskirts of Kharkiv on February 26, 2022. (Photo by Sergey BOBOK/AFP).

The body of a Russian soldier lies near destroyed Russian military vehicles on the side of a road on the outskirts of Kharkiv on February 26, 2022. (Photo by Sergey BOBOK/AFP). (SÉRGIE BOBOK/)

Although the UK Ministry of Defense said this week that it estimates that Russia suffered up to 50,000 deaths and 240,000 injuries since the beginning of the war, to which we must add the 20,000 killed by Wagner Group mercenary troops It is 40,000 injured from the same group.

Despite these large losses of RussiaUS authorities warn that Ukraine remains very vulnerableindicated CNN.

Besides the counteroffensive Ukrainian launch launched in June and prepared for months with the accumulation of weapons delivered by West, it was a failure. And now US officials believe that Kiev is unlikely to make major advances in the coming months, especially given the winter.

The body of a soldier lies near a burning Russian armored personnel carrier (APC) during fighting with Ukrainian armed forces in Kharkiv, February 27, 2022. (Photo by Sergey BOBOK/AFP).

The body of a soldier lies near a burning Russian armored personnel carrier (APC) during fighting with Ukrainian armed forces in Kharkiv, February 27, 2022. (Photo by Sergey BOBOK/AFP). (SÉRGIE BOBOK/)

Regarding the Ukrainian victims, Kiev also treats its losses as a state secret, indicated Reuters. The August New York Times report put the number at about 70,000 Ukrainians killed.

Last month, historian Yaroslav Tynchenko and the volunteer Herman Shapovalenko they wrote in the Ukrainian magazine Tyzhden that Shapovalenko’s Book of Memory project had confirmed 24,500 Ukrainian deaths in combat and out of combat using open sources. The real number was probably higher, the researchers said.

US President Joe Biden (right) and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky enter the room to hold a press conference at the White House on December 12, 2023. (EFE/EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS).

US President Joe Biden (right) and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky enter the room to hold a press conference at the White House on December 12, 2023. (EFE/EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS).

And the new funds for Ukraine? Republicans who reject any additional funding argue that the only way to give it the green light is to integrate it into a broader spending package that includes money to Israel, Taiwan and the southern border of the United States to keep out undocumented migrants. The Biden administration is willing to compromise, but has also warned that The United States will soon run out of money for Ukraine.

The United States has already given more than 110 billion dollars to Ukraine in military and economic aid.

US aid to Ukraine.  (AFP).

US aid to Ukraine. (AFP).

“The idea of Ukraine I would go back Russia to the 1991 borders was absurd,” said Ohio Republican Senator JD Vance on CNN’s State of the Union program. “What we say to the president, and really the entire world, is that he must articulate what his ambition is. What will $61 billion achieve that $100 billion couldn’t?”.

According to other intelligence data from U.S recently declassified and reported by CNN, suggest that “Russia appears to believe that a winter military standoff will drain Western support for Ukraine and will ultimately give Russia the advantage, despite Russian losses and persistent shortages of trained personnel, ammunition and equipment.”

The situation of the war in Ukraine on December 12, 2023. (AFP).

The situation of the war in Ukraine on December 12, 2023. (AFP).

Source: Elcomercio

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