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US applauds reopening of direct communication between North and South Korea

US applauds reopening of direct communication between North and South Korea

US applauds reopening of direct communication between North and South Korea

The State Department of EE.UU. on Monday applauded the restoration of direct communications between the two Koreas and remains hopeful that Pyongyang will respond “positively”To his proposal for direct discussions with Washington.

This was indicated by the spokesman for the State Department, Ned Price, at a press conference when asked about the reestablishment of direct lines of communication by North Korea with South Korea.

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“As we have previously said, we support the dialogue between the two Koreas”Price noted.

The US official was thus reacting to the confirmation of the South Korean government that the North had answered his call and that military communications were reactivated, some two months after Pyongyang cut communications in mid-August in protest at joint military exercises in Seoul and Washington.

Price insisted that the United States seeks a “Practical and calibrated approach” cwith North Korea to achieve “Tangible progress” to a “Complete denuclearization” from the Korean peninsula.

To do this, he recalled that the US “stay prepared “ to meet with North Korean officials “without preconditions ”.

“In our messages we have made specific proposals for discussions and we hope that North Korea will respond positively”, he claimed.

North Korea dynamited the office that both governments had in the Kaesong border territory and cut off all communications with the South in June 2020, in protest at the sending from the neighboring country of leaflets critical of the regime.

The lines returned to work at the end of last July, after more than a year, but Pyongyang stopped answering calls from Seoul again in August for the joint maneuvers of South Korea and the United States, which the North considers a drill. invasion of their territory and a threat to their sovereignty.

The South Korean government sees the reestablishment of communication as a positive sign and hopes that it will help to resume bilateral talks to resolve pending issues such as the adoption of a peace treaty that was never signed after the civil war on the peninsula from 1950 to 1953 or denuclearization.


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