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The Kremlin party unanimously supports Putin’s candidacy for re-election in 2024

The party of Kremlin, United Russiatoday unanimously supported the candidacy of the Russian president during its federal congress, Vladimir Putinfor re-election in the March 2024 elections.

We have not the slightest doubt about who should be at the head of the Russian State in this tremendously complicated period, who is behind the historical truthjustice and majority support“, assured Dmitri Medvedevleader of official training.

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An undisputed victory

After ensuring that United Russia will do everything possible to put on achieve a victory again “indisputable” in the presidential elections, he encouraged the delegates present to vote by raising their hands.

Decision approved unanimously”, said Medvedev after congress participants raised their hands in the presence of the candidate.

Putin’s victory must be “legitimate and absolutely indisputable”highlighted during an event held at the exhibition park VDNJ in which he also called for the containment of all attempts at foreign interference and any provocation that could destabilize the political situation during the electoral propaganda.

Political scientists advance that put on will receive “a level of support in excess of 70%” on March 17, 2024, while some have predicted it will surpass even 2018’s 76.7%.

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Putin bets on a self-sufficient Russia

When speaking, the president thanked the party for its support and assured that “historical tasks” that faces Russia “demands the unity of all patriotic forces”.

Putin, 71, stressed that Russia has an obligation to “be strong” and make all decisions “without external advice.”

We must remember, never forget and tell our children. ANY Russia It is self-sufficient, a sovereign power, or it will cease to exist (…) Russia cannot, like some countries, give up their sovereignty in exchange for sausage and become someone’s satellite” he claimed.

He also ruled out that Western recipes for instigate revolutions popular ones, which produced changes of government in Ukraine, Georgia or Kyrgyzstan, can function in Russia.

We must be prepared for challenges to snowball. But we are Russia, we are a winter country, right? “We love snow.”he claimed.

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Independent candidate

A popular initiative already supported the candidacy on Saturday put onwho will run as an independent, as in the last elections.

The co-religionists of the head of the Kremlin They will now go to the Central Election Commission to register your initiative and begin the process of collecting the necessary 300,000 signatures.

At this moment it is not known who will be the politicians who will challenge the tenant of the Kremlin next year, although the communists are expected to present their candidate, just as the ultranationalists.

According to official surveys in recent days, 80% of Russians approve of the management of put onwho has led this country since 2000, with a four-year hiatus (2008-2012) as prime minister.

Although more and more Russians also want peace, put on this week poured cold water on those hopes in its first major round of war press.

The controversial constitutional reform of 2020 allows the current president to serve two more terms of six years each, until 2036.

The opposition to Kremlin considers that the elections will be a referendum on the current war, in which Russia did not achieve the objectives defined in February 2022 and would have suffered, according to West, more than 300,000 victims.

Source: Elcomercio

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