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War in Ukraine: Kyiv claims to have shot down three Russian fighter-bombers

If this is confirmed, it will be a big loss for the Russians. The Ukrainian Air Force said it shot down three Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers in the south of the country, in the Kherson region, on Friday.

“Today at noon, three Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers were shot down in the southern operational zone,” Ukrainian Air Force Commander-in-Chief Nikolai Oleshchuk said on Telegram, without specifying the fate of the aircraft pilots.

“Combat losses”

In his speech on Friday evening, President Zelensky clarified that the planes were shot down by missiles and expressed “gratitude to our soldiers who destroyed three Russian Sukhoi aircraft at once.” In the south – in the Kherson region, where fighting is taking place.

“Let every Russian pilot know about our response to every Russian murderer – not one of them will go unpunished,” added Vladimir Zelensky.

Russian authorities did not immediately confirm the incident. But the influential Russian military blog Fighterbomber cited “battle losses” it said were caused by the Patriot air defense system supplied by the United States.

Source: Le Parisien

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