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La Palma volcano: experts do not rule out worsening of the situation and the appearance of new mouths

The experts who constantly monitor the activity of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on the Spanish island of La Palma they do not rule out the appearance of new lava emission centers or an increase in explosive activity.

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This is stated in the daily report issued by the Department of National Security of Spain (DSN) at 06:00 GMT, which compiles information from the regional government of the Canary Islands and the National Geographic Institute.

According to this situation report, several active centers are observed inside the main crater, as well as two others located in the northwest of the side of the cone.

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The partial collapse, last Sunday, of one of the centers located in the northwest of the side of the cone has originated a contribution of very fluid lava.

“The appearance of new ones in the environment of the existing cone is not ruled out. Likewise, there may be, as has already happened, an increase in explosiveness by courses “, he points out.

The total area affected by lava reaches 413.38 hectares, with a perimeter of 36.3 kilometers and a maximum width of 1,250 meters.

The fajana (the delta created by lava falling on the waters of the Atlantic Ocean) already occupies an area of ​​32.7 hectares and continues to grow.

The height of the gas and ash column rose to 4,500 meters yesterday.

According to the DSN, favorable weather conditions are expected in terms of air quality and air navigation.

As for seismicity, which has increased slightly, it is occurring at deep levels of the earth’s crust, which is why, in principle, the opening of another mouth as a consequence of it is ruled out. In the last 24 hours, dozens of earthquakes have been registered, the most powerful of them of magnitude 3.9.


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