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The war in Ukraine, the resilient Russian economy, the death of Prigozhin… Vladimir Putin, the winner of 2023

The war in Ukraine, the resilient Russian economy, the death of Prigozhin… Vladimir Putin, the winner of 2023

The war in Ukraine, the resilient Russian economy, the death of Prigozhin… Vladimir Putin, the winner of 2023

In three months, in March 2024, Vladimir Putin will face presidential elections, he will run for a fifth term at the head of Russia. Confrontation is a big word. “He has never been so popular, I am sure he will win in the first round,” a former Russian diplomat recently told us. Zealous statements from a former apparatchik? Not necessary. The year 2023, although it began with military stagnation in Ukraine, marked last summer by the spectacular uprising of the soldier Prigozhin, actually ends with a rather favorable outcome for the Kremlin master.

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During his annual marathon press conference on December 14, he showed his optimism and confidence in the future. And this Sunday, for the wish of December 31, the one who recently promised the Russians victory in Ukraine praised the “united” Russia, which “will never retreat.” Russia will even “intensify” its strikes on military targets in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin also said this Monday, January 1, in response to the Ukrainian army’s bombing of the Russian city of Belgorod this weekend.

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Source: Le Parisien

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