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Hamas claims revenge against Israel for the assassination of its number 2 in Beirut

Hamas claims revenge against Israel for the assassination of its number 2 in Beirut

Hamas claims revenge against Israel for the assassination of its number 2 in Beirut

The death, this Tuesday, in a bomb attack in Beirut, of number two HamasSaleh al Arouri, triggered condemnation from Palestinian factions, with threats of revenge from the Islamic group against Israel and street protests. “Murder” was described by the Islamic group Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Palestinian National Authority, while Israel remained silent.

TO LOOK: Israel kills Hamas number 2 in drone attack in Beirut

The violent death of the number two in political office in Hamasalong with five other people in the drone attackoccurs while the war in Link It is entering its third month with no sign of ending the enormous number of deaths day after day in the Strip.

A “cowardly murder”

Hamas blamed “the Zionist occupation”, alluding Israelof “cowardly” assassinating Palestinian leaders “inside and outside Palestine”.

The bombing of his office in Beirut “proves once again the complete failure” of Israel in Gazahe said in a statement.

The armed wing of Hamas, the Al Qasam Brigadesof which Saleh al Arouri was co-founder, He promised “a response to all crimes” against Palestinians.

In “cowardly and treacherous murder” was defined by the Palestinian group Islamic Jihadwhich has a strong military presence in the Link after Hamas and the Israeli Army also fights in the Strip.

People inspect the site of an Israeli attack on a Hamas office in the southern suburbs of Beirut, January 2, 2024. (AFP photo). (-/)

The Prime Minister of the Government of the Palestinian National Authority (ANP), Mohamed Shtayehhe also condemned “the murder” and implicitly accused Israel.

“A crime that takes the identity of its perpetrators”he said in reference to Israel, although without openly naming it.

The Palestinian Prime Minister warned about “the risks and repercussions that could arise from this crime”.

The ANP reduced self-government in parts of the West Bank occupied and does not have direct control over Gaza, which came under the control of Hamas when it took power over the enclave in 2007.

In the West Bank, Palestinians took to the streetss, in cities like Ramallah or Jenin and in refugee camps, in protest marches, some with flags from groups like Hamas.

The party in power Fatáwith self-government reduced by West Bankcalled a general strike for this Wednesday in this territory, according to the Palestinian news agency Maan.

In turn, the main military spokesman for the Israeli Army, Daniel Hagari stated that Israeli forces are “at a very high level of preparation on all fronts, in defense and at the offensive level”, without making direct reference to the bombing against the number two of the Hamas.

Israel does not usually confirm or deny these types of accusations. EFE consulted the Israeli Army spokesman, who has not yet commented.

In the past, targeted assassinations against senior Palestinian officials or leaders abroad, including Hamas, have been attributed to Israeli forces and intelligence services.

Al Arouri was one of Hamas’ most prominent exiled leaders.He was a co-founder of its armed wing and was seen as one of those who planned armed actions against Israel from abroad.

88 days of war

His death occurred after 88 days of war in Linkwhere attacks by the Israeli Army caused at least 22,185 deaths and 57,035 injuries, according to the latest data from the enclave’s Ministry of Health.

“During the last 24 hours, the Israeli occupation committed 15 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, claiming the lives of 207 martyrs and 338 injured,” added this source.

O war which broke out on October 7, following a Hamas attack on Israel, with around 1,200 dead and the taking of around 240 people hostage, also caused around 1.9 million people to be displaced in Gaza, 85 percent of the population of the enclave, in the midst of a serious humanitarian crisis.

The Ministry of Defense of Israel considers that Hamas was left in an “irrelevant” situation in the north of Linkafter many of its fighters fled to the south of the Palestinian Strip.

The Israeli Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, On a visit to Israeli troops in Gaza, he declared that many of the “15,000 or 18,000” alleged Hamas members in the northern coastal enclave had been killed or fled south.

In the south of Range“reality is different” and the offensive is directed at tunnels Hamas where its leaders supposedly remain “at the bottom”, he warned.

Since the start of the Israeli ground offensive on October 27, deaths in the Israeli ranks total 174 and 983 wounded, according to the Army.

Source: Elcomercio

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