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War in Ukraine: Russia used missiles supplied by North Korea, the White House said

War in Ukraine: Russia used missiles supplied by North Korea, the White House said

War in Ukraine: Russia used missiles supplied by North Korea, the White House said

It’s confirmed. Missiles supplied by North Korea to Russia have been used in large-scale attacks on Ukraine in recent days, the White House said on Thursday, condemning Pyongyang’s “consequent and troubling escalation” of support for Moscow. “Our information indicates that North Korea recently provided Russia with ballistic missile launch systems and several ballistic missiles,” said US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby.

According to the representative, this transfer of weapons underscores the need for the US Congress to approve a new package of military aid to Ukraine. US President Joe Biden on Friday called on Congress to “act without further delay” following the “massive explosions” in Ukraine, as negotiations to approve a giant aid package for Kyiv still drag on.

1000 containers of military equipment

Ukraine’s air defenses, the target of a flurry of Russian strikes in recent days, remain an “absolute” priority, John Kirby said Thursday. Russian troops launched at least one of the Pyongyang-supplied missiles on Dec. 30, which then fell into a field in the Zaporozhye region in southern Ukraine, he said. Then on Jan. 2, Russia fired several missiles toward Ukraine as part of a massive air attack, the spokesman added.

The United States and its allies will now take the issue to the UN Security Council because the missile transfer constitutes a violation of UN sanctions on North Korea, John Kirby said. In October, the United States said more than 1,000 containers of military equipment and ammunition had been delivered to Russia from North Korea in previous weeks.

Russia and North Korea are two historical allies

Seoul also estimated that North Korea supplied Russia with more than a million artillery shells for the war in Ukraine, receiving technical advice for its satellites in return. In exchange for these arms deliveries, Pyongyang is seeking Russian military equipment and “sophisticated technology,” John Kirby told the press.

Historic allies Russia and North Korea are facing international sanctions – the former for its invasion of Ukraine and the latter for its banned nuclear weapons and missile programs. Their growing military cooperation is a source of concern for Ukraine and its allies, especially after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met Russian President Vladimir Putin in September in the Russian Far East.

Russia also plans to buy missiles from its Iranian ally, the spokesman said, John Kirby said. “We will introduce additional sanctions against those who facilitate arms transfers between Russia and North Korea, as well as between Russia and Iran,” he added.

Source: Le Parisien

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