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AMLO apologizes after saying “sir” to his party’s trans representative

AMLO apologizes after saying “sir” to his party’s trans representative

AMLO apologizes after saying “sir” to his party’s trans representative

The Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obradorapologized this Tuesday for saying “sir dressed as a woman” to his party’s trans representative Salma Luévano after a controversy that raised criticism from activists LGBTI.

The president apologized at his morning press conference, in which he announced he would open a TikTok with apology as the initial theme.

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I want to start in TikTok apologize to a colleague who identifies as a woman and who yesterday I talked about being a man dressed as a woman” he declared López Obrador.

He even expressed his respect for the right to gender identity, which Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) was recognized and is legislated in 20 of the 32 states in the country.

“I am very respectful and I believe freedomand people must be assumed, anyone, as identifysaid the president.

López Obrador sparked controversy on Monday when he referred to Luévano as “a man dressed as a woman” to defend himself from criticism after a video went viral on Sunday in which the deputy greets him with a kiss at a public event in the state of Vera Cruzbut he seems to leave.

“Yesterday (journalist Joaquín) López-Dóriga criticized me because I kissed a man dressed as a woman. I kiss men and they kiss me“, said the president.

Organizations LGBTIwho accuses López Obrador as they are conservative on issues of sexual diversity, they argued that their statements encourage transphobia in a country that ranks second in Latin America in hate murders, according to data from the National Observatory of Hate Crimes against LGBTI+ People.

But despite criticism, members LGBTI of López Obrador’s party, the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), defended the president, including Luévano.

After the controversy, the Mexican government rectified it.

If I gave my opinion on this topic it is because I believe that love has no sex, it is above all, It’s like freedom then apologize and give that colleague a hug”, he concluded this Tuesday.

Source: Elcomercio

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