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Israel welcomes European Union sanctions on Hamas leader over October 7 attack

Israel welcomes European Union sanctions on Hamas leader over October 7 attack

Israel welcomes European Union sanctions on Hamas leader over October 7 attack

Israel celebrated this Tuesday the decision of the European Union (EU) to impose sanctions against the leader of Hamas inside the Gaza strip, Yahya Sinwarconsidered the mastermind of the October 7 attacks on Israeli soil, which left more than 1,200 people dead and around 250 kidnapped.

“It is a fair and moral decision. Thank you to all our friends who supported this decisionIsrael’s Foreign Minister stated in a message on his X (formerly Twitter) account: Israel Katz.

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The minister indicated that the measure European and also “the result of diplomatic efforts to strangle the resources of Hamasdelegitimize them and deprive them of support.”

“We will continue to eradicate the root of evil, in Link and wherever he lifts his head.added the minister.

O European Union announced this Tuesday sanctions against Sinwarwhich implies the prohibition of the leader from Hamas introduce the HUH and have your assets frozen in European entities.

Furthermore, no company or individual in the HUH may provide you with funds.

At the same time, the HUHwhich considers Hamas a terrorist organization as U.Sis finalizing sanctions against people or entities that provide funds to the Palestinian Islamic organization, which de facto rules in Link since 2007.

At the same time, the possibility of applying restrictive measures against Israeli settlers who have carried out attacks on Israeli settlements Occupied West Bankwhich is experiencing its biggest spike in violence since Second Intifada.

After the October 7th attack, Israel began the offensive in Gaza stripin a war that has lasted 102 days and caused 24,285 deaths – in addition to around 8,000 missing under the rubble – and more than 61,154 injured, according to the latest count from the country’s Ministry of Health. Rangecontrolled by Hamas.

Source: Elcomercio

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