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Preventive detention of Luis Fernando Camacho extended due to strike to demand census in Bolivia

Preventive detention of Luis Fernando Camacho extended due to strike to demand census in Bolivia

Preventive detention of Luis Fernando Camacho extended due to strike to demand census in Bolivia

A court of Bolivia decided this Tuesday to extend the preventive detention of the governor of the eastern region of Holy Crossthe opponent Luis Fernando Camachofor his participation in a citizen strike in that department, to demand the prompt completion of the population and housing census.

This case adds to others in which the opponent, imprisoned in a prison in the Altiplano de Peace From the end of 2022, he will also have to serve a prison sentence and this includes charges for the 2019 crisis.

LOOK HERE: Bolivian Constitutional Court orders Camacho’s replacement as governor of Santa Cruz

He First Anti-Corruption Court of La Paz extended the preventive detention until February 27th and scheduled a hearing for that day where the opponent’s freedom should be considered again, according to a press release from the Province of Santa Cruz.

The governor’s lawyer, Martin Camachoconsidered that the expansion of preventive detention is “exaggerated and disproportionate”, then a “incidental feature”.

In October 2022 there was Holy Cross a citizens’ strike that lasted 36 days to demand that the population census, postponed by the authorities until this year, be carried out in 2023.

A city leader The tallresident of La Paz, denounced Camacho and four other leaders from Santa Cruz for the strike and the Public Ministry accused them of crimes such as terrorism, resolutions against the Constitution, racism, discrimination, attacks on freedom of work, among others.

Other cases

Camacho has been in prison since the end of 2022 for the case’coup d’état‘, related to the 2019 political crisis.

Party in power points out that in 2019 there was a ‘coup d’état’ against the then president Evo Morales (2006-2019), while the opposition maintains that the protests that led to his dismissal were due to fraud in his favor in that year’s annulled elections.

At the end of December, the Public Ministry presented the formal indictment as part of this process and requested 20 years in prison for Camacho, a former minister, a former military leader and a former police chief for terrorism.

In the chapter on Bolivia in its 2023 annual report, Human Rights Surveillance (HRW) noted that Camacho was detained for terrorism, “a criminal type whose definition in Bolivia is very broad”.

HRW He indicated that he reviewed the documents of his arrest “and found no evidence to support,” the prosecution said.

MORE INFORMATION: Evo Morales considers that he is still qualified to be a candidate in Bolivia, despite the decision

Luis Fernando Camacho He is also in preventive custody for the alleged irregular purchase of a fire truck for his region, in which case the Public Prosecutor’s Office accuses him of failure to fulfill his duties and uneconomical conduct.

Furthermore, in May 2023, the opponent added another resolution of preventive detention due to a complaint against a decree he signed for the appointment of an interim governor.

In December, a judge ordered the governor’s freedom in this case, although he must remain in prison for the other cases against him.

Source: Elcomercio

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