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Election tics

Nearly two years after Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, all indications are that the conflict will remain bogged down for a long time on a front line that neither warring side appears to be able to put pressure on anymore. In this so-called war of attrition that is devouring soldiers, morale and energy, Vladimir Putin comes away with an advantage: stability. The Russian presidential election in mid-March is just a formality: he made sure of that. In the West we act – fortunately – differently.

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However, two major electoral events loom in 2024. The European elections, which will take place from June 6 to 9, 2024, will be an opportunity to review troop levels, overseen by Moscow, which is determined to take advantage of any sign of troop depletion. pair. . The rise of populists to power in parliament, even without any consequences for the governments of each country, would send a signal of disunity that could undermine support for Kiev, which has previously been strong, despite Viktor Orban’s Hungary or, more recently, Slovakia. Robert Fico. Posing himself as a staunch ally of Kyiv, Emmanuel Macron made the Ukrainian issue one of the key issues in the June elections.

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Source: Le Parisien

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