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European Union will adopt sanctions against Hamas, announces France

European Union will adopt sanctions against Hamas, announces France

European Union will adopt sanctions against Hamas, announces France

The European Union (EU) will adopt on Monday “a sanctions regime” against the Palestinian movement Hamas, due to the bloody incursion carried out by Islamic militias in Israel on October 7, French diplomacy announced this Thursday.

“It is a regime of sanctions against individuals and the transfer of funds,” said the deputy spokesman for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Christophe Lemoine, at a press conference.

The sanctions target the Islamic movement, in power in the Strip Linkand some of its leaders involved in the attack that triggered a war with Israel.

Islamist militants killed around 1,140 people, most of them civilians, on October 7, according to an AFP count based on official Israeli data. They also kidnapped around 250 people, 132 of whom remain captive in Link.

Israel promised to annihilate Hamas and launched an air and ground offensive that left nearly 25,000 dead in Linkalso mostly civilians, according to the Ministry of Health of the Hamas government in the Palestinian territory.

This Tuesday, the EU added Yahya Sinuar, head of Hamas, considered the architect of the attack, to its list of “terrorists”, which implies the freezing of his possible assets in the bloc and the prohibition of his entry to any of its 27 members. countries.

The Europeans have already included in this list of people or organizations considered “terrorists” two senior officials from the military wing of Hamas: Mohamed Deif and Marwan Issa.

Hamas, as an organization, was already on the list. In addition to the EU, the United States, Canada and Israel also consider it a “terrorist” organization.

Source: Elcomercio

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