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US “suspends” funding to UN agency on suspicion of Hamas attack

U.S announced this Friday that it suspended funding to the Agency UN for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), following the dismissal of several employees accused of involvement in the attack Hamas against Israel on October 7th.

The State Department said it was “Extremely concerned” due to the suspicions that weigh on the agency and have “has temporarily suspended additional funding (…) while it examines these allegations and the actions it takes United Nations to face them.”

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The head of diplomacy U.S, Anthony Blinkenspoke on Thursday with the head of the UN, António Guterres, “to underline the need for a thorough and rapid investigation into this matter”says the statement, which insists that whoever “participated in the atrocious attacks” must be held responsible.

UNRWA plays a critical role in providing vital assistance to Palestinians, including essential food, medicine, shelter and other vital humanitarian support.”However, the statement specifies.

“Your work saved lives and it is important that UNRWA address these allegations and take appropriate corrective action, including reviewing its existing policies and procedures.”To add.

The head of UNRWA, Philippe Lazzariniannounced that some of its employees “they were fired” and an investigation was opened “to establish the truth without delay.”

Source: Elcomercio

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