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Maldives: Justice minister attacked with hammer three days after violent fight in parliament

There is an atmosphere of violence in political life in the Maldives. The Maldives’ justice minister was attacked with a hammer this Wednesday, a rare attack on a public servant in the archipelago known as a luxury tourist destination.

Hussein Shamim was on his way to work when an unknown assailant attacked him and injured his left arm, a police spokesman told AFP. In a message posted on Facebook, Hussein Shamim, who said he had returned home to his family, vowed to continue his work and also shared a photo of himself with his arm in a sling.

“This morning I was attacked (…) my left arm was broken,” he wrote, without specifying the details of the incident. “By returning home to my family, I will return to work stronger and return to running, cycling and swimming even faster,” added Hussein Shamim.

The Democratic Party of Maldives (PDM), the main opposition party, said the attack was politically motivated. But police said they suspected a link to criminal proceedings brought by Hussein Shamim, an experienced lawyer who became justice minister in 2019.

Tension between majority and opposition

The attack came three days after scenes of violence broke out in parliament when lawmakers rejected three ministerial nominations, including that of justice minister.

Ruling party lawmakers tried on Sunday to block a vote by the main opposition party, which along with its allies holds a majority in parliament, on the cabinet appointed by newly elected President Mohamed Muizzou.

Videos posted on social media showed at least one lawmaker bleeding from the neck after he was caught in a violent fight inside the chamber that led to a temporary suspension.

Lawmakers were seen snatching microphones and using plastic pipes to disrupt proceedings amid chaos. According to police, there is no direct connection between the two incidents.

Source: Le Parisien

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