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Russia and Ukraine exchange 195 prisoners of war from each side

The Ministry of Defense of Russia reported today an exchange of prisoners of war with Ukraineunder which 195 people on each side were released, a week after the crash of the Russian military transport plane Il-76, allegedly with Ukrainian prisoners on board.

“On January 31st, as a result of a negotiation process, the territories controlled by the regime of Kyiv 195 Russian soldiers who were in danger of death were returned. In return they received 195 prisoners of war of the Armed Forces of Ukraineinformed the military department on Telegram.

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According to Defense, the released Russian soldiers will be transferred to Moscow “for his medical treatment and rehabilitation in medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense.”

“All the released receive the Medical help and necessary psychologicalhe added.

The exchange took place just seven days after the crash of a Russian plane in the Russian region of Belgorodaboard which were supposedly traveling 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war, part of the 195 agreed to a exchange which should have occurred last Wednesday.

According to version Russia, the Russian military transport plane Il-76 was shot down on Wednesday last week by Ukraine.

Kyiv, who confirmed that an exchange was being prepared, states that the plane weapons carried and not prisoners of war.

Source: Elcomercio

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