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The United States confirms that Soviet weapons from Ecuador will go to Ukraine for the war against Russia

The United States confirms that Soviet weapons from Ecuador will go to Ukraine for the war against Russia

The United States confirms that Soviet weapons from Ecuador will go to Ukraine for the war against Russia

The government of U.S confirmed on Thursday that the Russian-made military equipment delivered to him Ecuador as part of an equipment renewal agreement will be allocated to support Ukraine in its war against Russia.

“It is an agreement to transfer equipment to the Government of Ukraine that is fighting the Russian invasion of its territory,” said Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Western Hemisphere Affairs at the United States Department of State, Kevin Sullivan.

LOOK: Russia bans imports of bananas from Ecuador following Quito’s decision to send old Soviet weapons to the US.

In an interview given to the television channel Teleamazonas, Sullivan highlighted that this exchange of military equipment is “a decision by the Government of Ecuador” with which the United States is “very happy”.to support Ukraine in their effort to defend their territory.”

When asked if this delivery had already been made, Sullivan commented that It is something that “is still being considered within the Government of Ecuador”.

Although, The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility of Ecuador, Gabriela Sommerfeld, assured on January 24 that this exchange was already underway. and that “it does not violate any regulations, it is not illegal” because “this equipment is not operational and, if it is not operational, the Ecuador You can cancel it, sell it, donate it or trade it.”

Days earlier, the president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa described the equipment as “trash” With this, your country will receive new equipment worth around 200 million dollars from the United States.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman María Zajárova declared on Wednesday that this decision by Daniel Noboa’s government will harm relations between Russia and Ecuador.

“In the case of handing over military assets to third parties, Ecuador will violate its international commitments and this will have negative consequences for our future bilateral interaction,” he stated. Zakharova at a press conference.

According to the diplomatic representative, The Russian Government conveyed its position regarding these supplies to the Ecuadorian Government “indicating the specific points of the agreements and contracts” linked to Russian military supplies to Ecuador that the South American nation would violate if it re-exported them to the United States.

Zajárova argued Moscow’s discomfort with the fact that “if it were scrap metal, as they call it in Ecuador, it would be difficult for Washington to propose exchanging it for modern equipment.”, in fact, for a rather large sum. Let’s hope Quito understands it that way.”

Following these events, the Russian phytosanitary inspection (Rosseljoznadzor) asked last week to suspension of exports from five banana companies in Ecuador due to the supposed presence of the humpback fly (Megaselia Scalaris) in several shipments, which could be considered a warning from Moscow to Quito.

The Phyto- and Zoosanitary Regulation and Control Agency (Agrocalidad) of Ecuador responded that reports of the presence of this fly in banana shipments to Russia They only occurred in 0.3% of the 13,000 made per year and did not receive any similar notification from other countries that import Ecuadorian bananas.

“It does not represent a risk for this country”; stated Agrocalidad, who recalled that “the humpback fly is not an agricultural pest of bananas and does not attack or affect crops”, although he announced that they will reinforce controls in the production and export chain.

Source: Elcomercio

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