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Borrell calls to stop supplying weapons to Israel

Borrell calls to stop supplying weapons to Israel

Borrell calls to stop supplying weapons to Israel

The high representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrellsaid this Monday that the number of deaths in the war Link is “very high” and asked them to stop giving weapons to Israel.

The head of European diplomacy highlighted that more and more voices are being raised around the world warning that the actions of the Israeli Army in Gaza strip they are “disproportionate” It is “excessive”, including those of the president U.S, Joe Bidenwhose country is Israel’s main ally.

TO KNOW MORE: What was the Israeli operation to rescue two Argentine hostages in Gaza like?

My question is, beyond words, what else do you think needs to be done? If you think the number of deaths is very high Do you have any possibility of reducing it?“Borrell said in statements to the press, upon arriving at the meeting, that the ministers of European Union cooperation celebrated today in Brussels.

“O HUH does not give weapons to Israel, others do. “If you think the death toll is too high, maybe you can do something to reduce it,” continuous Borrellwho remembered that U.S has already decided to suspend the shipment of weapons to Israel during the war in Lebanon in 2006, because the Israeli Government did not want to stop the offensive.

Exactly the same thing that happens today”, said the head of European diplomacy.

In this regard, Borrell referred to the decision taken today by a court of Netherlands demand that the Dutch government stop, within seven days, the delivery of spare parts for F-35 fighters to Israel.

The High Representative welcomed the fact that the Israeli army today rescued two hostages in Rafabut also showed his concern with the plan announced this weekend by the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahuto expand the land military offensive in the city in the south of the Strip, on the border with Egypt.

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Palestinians in Rafah “cannot escape”

“If they launch an offensive against a highly populated area, with more than 1.7 million people crushed against a wall, they will not be able to escape. When there is a war, people escape, but the people in Link I can’t escape. They have their doors closed. “They are being bombed without being able to escape.”he assured Borrell.

“I hope the whole world takes note of this.”wished the high representative, who saw no options for Israel to evacuate the population of Rafah.

“Where are they going to evacuate them to, to the Moon?” he said.

Borrell also highlighted that if military action intensifies in Rafait will be more difficult for humanitarian aid to reach the Palestinians and assured that the role played by UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) operates in this area is “irreplaceable”.

The ministers met today with the general commissioner of UNRWA, Filipe Lazariniwith whom they discussed the situation on the ground and the organization’s funding, after major donors, including U.S any Germanysuspended their funding after Israeli accusations that 12 of their workers cooperated with the attack Hamas on October 7th.

Source: Elcomercio

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