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First arrests in Russia in protests over Navalny’s death

Russian police arrested several people this afternoon in Moscow and other Russian cities on solidarity pickets after learning of the death in prison of the opposition leader, Alexey Navalnyreports the prison monitoring portal OVD-Info.

A young man with the sign “Murderers” was arrested near a monument to the victims of political repression in USSR in the center of Moscowwhere today there were long lines of people who wanted to lay flowers in memory of Navalny.

TO KNOW MORE: Russian opponent Alexei Navalny dies in prison, according to prison services

Another Muscovite was taken to the police station when she protested in front of the Wall of Sorrows erected on the avenue Sakharovin honor of the Soviet dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner Andrey Sakharov.

The young woman carried a sign with the inscription “Alexei Navalny died today.”

In front of this monument, the Russians wrote “Navalny” with red carnations and posted photos of the opponent and messages like “We will not give up”.

There have also been documented arrests in Rostov-on-Don (South of the country), Murmansk (north), Nizhny Novgorod (center) and other Russian cities, where Russians protested in the streets despite fear of police repression.

In the Siberian city of Novosibirsk The monument to the victims of political repression was cordoned off to prevent access by citizens who wanted to lay flowers, according to the media. Holod.

Navalny47 years old, died suddenly today in the Arctic prison where he had been held since last December, according to the Russian prison services.

Source: Elcomercio

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