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Navalny’s widow will participate this Monday in the meeting of European Union foreign ministers

Navalny’s widow will participate this Monday in the meeting of European Union foreign ministers

Navalny’s widow will participate this Monday in the meeting of European Union foreign ministers

The widow of the late Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, Julia Navalnayawill participate this Monday in the meeting that will be held in Brussels the foreign ministers of the 27 countries of the European Union (EU), as reported this Sunday by the head of community diplomacy, Josep Borrell.

On Monday I will receive Julia Navalnaya in the EU Foreign Affairs Council. EU ministers will send a strong message of support to freedom fighters in Russia and they will honor the memory of Alexei“Borrell announced in a publication published on the social network X.

LOOK HERE: “Assassinating Navalny means sending a message to the opposition that no one is safe”

The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs assigned to the Russian president, Vladimir PutinO “sole responsibility”of the death of Alexey Navalny this Friday remotely arctic prison where he had been held since December.

That same day, Borrell met in person with Yulia Navalnaya, taking advantage of their presence at the Munich Security Conference (Germany), and transmitted the “solidarity”from the EU in this“terrible moment”, as he wrote in X.

Although she was not allowed to visit Navalny for years following politically motivated sentences and her unjustified imprisonment, Yulia’s spirit is unbreakable. Putin is responsible for murder and will be held accountable“, added the community leader after Friday’s meeting with the opponent’s widow.

At this Monday’s meeting, in which Navalnaya will participate, the foreign ministers of European Union They were scheduled to discuss, among other matters, the war caused by the Russian invasion of Ukrainewhich will turn two years old next Saturday, February 24th.

MORE INFORMATION: Opposition Navalny team accuses Russia of withholding his remains to “cover its tracks”

The Twenty-Seven are preparing the thirteenth package of sanctions against Russia, with the intention of including on the list Chinese companies with which EU companies would not be able to trade.

The intention is to approve it on a date close to the second anniversary of the war, although for now, Hungary blocks the package.

However, the main point on the agenda focuses on the escalation of the war in Middle Eastas EU foreign ministers plan to approve the Operation Aspidesthe naval mission in Red Sea to protect merchant ships from rebel attacks Houthis from Yemeni territory.

Source: Elcomercio

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