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Opposition member Xóchitl Gálvez registers as a candidate for president of Mexico

The senator with indigenous roots Xochitl Gálvez She registered this Tuesday as an opposition candidate for the presidency of the Mexicoreported the National Electoral Institute (INE).

“We received the engineer’s registration request Xochitl Gálvez Ruiz as candidate for O presidency of the Republic of Strength and Heart Coalition for Mexico”, said the president of INE, Guadalupe Taddeiat an event in which he participated Gálvez60 years old.

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The applicant presents for name of a center-right alliance made up of traditional parties PAN, PRI and PRD.

According to consolidated research carried out by the company Oracle, Gálvez has 31% of preferences, far from the 64% it receives Claudia Sheinbaumformer mayor of Mexico City It is candidate of the left-wing party in power.

Jorge Álvarez Máynez of the party Citizen movement (center-left), completes the deck of candidates for the June 2nd elections, with just 5% support.

Computer engineer, Gálvez defined as a progressive liberal and offers to encourage foreign investment and end for O “tolerance”of the authorities with the cartels drug trafficking.

He also promises to end for the exploitation of fossil fuels and for the “militarization” of the country, as refers to for the expansion of the role of the armed forces during the president’s government Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The election campaign will begin formally on March 1st.

Source: Elcomercio

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