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A 7-year-old girl dies buried in the hole she dug on a Florida beach

A 7-year-old girl dies buried in the hole she dug on a Florida beach

A 7-year-old girl dies buried in the hole she dug on a Florida beach

Two children aged 7 and 9 who fell this Tuesday into a hole opened on a beach in Broward County (United States), north of Miami, were rescued and rushed to a hospital, but doctors could do nothing for them. save the girl’s life. local media reported.

The incident occurred this afternoon in Beach of Lauderdale-by-the-Seain the southeast of Floridawhen two children They apparently made a hole in the sand They fell into a hole and got stuck.

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The 7-year-old girl died and the boy remains hospitalized in critical conditionindicated the Department of police Browardwhich has not yet revealed the identities of the minors, reported local channel NBCMiami.

Police officers from the aforementioned municipality and doctors attended the scene at 3:16 pm local time (8:16 pm GMT), where, according to images collected by helicopter, they were able to see a crowd of people next to the hole in a currently isolated area.

In a video recorded by a witness, several bathers are seen digging in the sand to try to reach the children who were swallowed by the earth and rescue them.

Several witnesses told the media that the children made a hole while playing and that it gave way and they fell inside.

Source: Elcomercio

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