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Opposition party condemns alleged kidnapping of Venezuelan soldier in Chile

Opposition party condemns alleged kidnapping of Venezuelan soldier in Chile

Opposition party condemns alleged kidnapping of Venezuelan soldier in Chile

Popular will (VP), the Venezuelan opposition party Leopoldo Lópezcondemned this Wednesday the alleged kidnapping of a retired soldier of Venezuelan nationality, who lives in Pepperand that he was kidnapped this morning from his home by a group of individuals posing as police officers, according to the local Chilean press.

We alert the international community about the disappearance of the retired lieutenant colonel Ronald Ojeda in the territory of Pepper by alleged employees“Venezuelan military, said VP in his report on X, where he asked the Chilean State to provide answers about the Venezuelan situation and”guarantee your physical integrity”.

LOOK HERE: Chile investigates alleged kidnapping of former Venezuelan soldier in Santiago

The alleged kidnapping was reported this Wednesday in a brief note from Special Anti-Kidnapping Police Investigations Brigade (BEEP) of Investigative police (PDI) of Chile, which indicated that it cannot deliver “oldest background“because the investigation”was declared secret”.

Subsequently, the Undersecretary of the Interior of Chile, Manuel Monsalvereported that the Executive requested an alert from Interpol and the reinforcement of border control, following the emergency meeting that the Chilean Government held when the alleged kidnapping became known.

If the news is confirmed, we would be talking about the use of the sovereign territory of other States for espionage and aggression against Venezuelan refugees who escaped a torturous and repressive regime.”, considered the vice president.

For years we have denounced that the chavismo It is a danger to the security of the continent. The disappearance of Lieutenant Colonel Ojeda takes this situation to another level, which endangers Venezuelan dissidents even outside the national territory.“, continued the political formation.

MORE INFORMATION: Chile: Government reinforces border and notifies Interpol for alleged kidnapping of Venezuelan

The Chilean Undersecretary of the Interior explained today that the Ministry of Defense requested “activate and strengthen”border controls carried out by institutions such as the Maritime Police in ports, the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC) at airports, and Armed forces in the northern regions of Arica, Tarapacá It is Antofagasta.

The authority recalled that it is the BEEP of the Investigative Police responsible for “carry out the procedures to clarify this case” and insisted that the investigation be declared “secret” by the Public Ministry, then “it is impossible to provide details”.

Ojeda’s name appears on the list of 33 soldiers demoted and expelled from the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FÃNB) “involved in conspiracies”against the Venezuelan government, which included the assassination of the president Nicolás Maduroinformation published in X on January 24th by the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino.

Source: Elcomercio

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