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Navalny’s allies launch campaign for Russia to hand over body to family

Navalny’s allies launch campaign for Russia to hand over body to family

Navalny’s allies launch campaign for Russia to hand over body to family

The allies of the late Russian opposition leader, Alexey Navalnylaunched a campaign for the authorities to hand over the body as quickly as possible to the family, who denounce the plans of the Kremlin bury the politician in secret.

Numerous Russian artists, intellectuals and journalists in exile joined the campaign on the team’s Telegram channel Navalnywhich was also supported by more than a thousand Orthodox religious people.

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Actors like Artur Smolianinov, Dmitri Nazarov or Tatiana Lázareva; journalists like Yevgeny Albats or Dmitri Muratovwinner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2021, published videos demanding the handover of the body.

You still have the opportunity to continue being people. Don’t dehumanize yourselves, don’t try to dehumanize us all“, he said Lazarevawho resides in Spain.

Dancers like Mikhail Barishnikov; singers like Andrey Makarevich or activists like Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, leader of Pussy Riot.

“My name is Mikhail Barishnikov. I strongly request that the body of the deceased be returned to his mother. Alexey Navalnyhe said.

The mother of the Russian opposition leader accused the authorities on Thursday of threatening her and of wanting to secretly bury her son so that his supporters could not say goodbye to the president’s number one enemy. Vladimir Putin.

In my presence they receive orders from the Kremlin or the central apparatus of the Instruction Committee. They want it to be done in secret, without goodbye. They want to take me to the outskirts of the cemetery, to a recent grave and say: ‘Here lies your son‘”, he said in a video posted on the team’s Telegram channel Navalny.

The politician’s mother, Lyudmila Navalnaiaadded: I do not agree with this. “I want you, those who loved Alexei, for whom his death was a personal tragedy, to have the opportunity to say goodbye to him.”

A few days ago, the mother of Navalnyshipping a letter to the Russian president to hand over his son’s body, while his co-religionists took legal action to speed up the process.

A group of Orthodox religious also published an open letter in which they also ask for the body to be handed over and remember that Navalnybesides being an opponent Kremlinwas a believer.

Don’t be crueler than (Pontius) Pilatepoint out the religious, who remember that even the Roman prefect ordered the delivery of Jesus’ body to the family for burial.

The widow of Navalny, Juliawhich was received the day before in San Francisco by the President of the United States, Joe Bidendirectly accuses Putin of ordering the assassination of his main political opponent.

He Kremlin he categorically denied the accusations and asked that the results of the autopsy be awaited, while put on He has not publicly alluded to the matter.

The 47-year-old opponent died in prison for “natural causes“, according to the medical certificate signed Wednesday by the mother, a version that her supporters consider false.

Source: Elcomercio

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