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G7 calls on Russia to fully clarify Navalny’s death

G7 calls on Russia to fully clarify Navalny’s death

G7 calls on Russia to fully clarify Navalny’s death

The G7 countries requested, in a joint statement, after a videoconference meeting, that the Russian Government fully clarify the circumstances surrounding the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who died in prison under unclear circumstances nine days ago.

“On this occasion, we also pay tribute to the extraordinary courage of Alexei Navalny and support his wife, children and loved ones. “He sacrificed his life fighting against Kremlin corruption and for free and fair elections in Russia”, read the statement after the meeting chaired by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, interim president of the G7.

The leaders of the world’s seven most industrialized democracies also called on the Russian government “to fully clarify the circumstances surrounding his death” and also asked it to “release all unjustly detained prisoners and end the persecution of political opposition and repression systematic protection of the rights and freedoms of Russians.”

“We will hold those responsible for Navalny’s death accountable by, among other things, continuing to impose restrictive measures in response to human rights violations and abuses in Russia and taking other actions,” they added.

“Russian authorities agreed this Saturday to hand over the body of opposition leader Alexei Navalny to his mother,” wrote Kira Yarmish, spokesperson for the late opposition leader, on the social network X.

Yarmish added that Navalny’s mother, Liudmila, is still in the Arctic city of Salekhard, close to the prison where her son died on the 16th.

Source: Elcomercio

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