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White House calls Trump’s comments about African Americans ‘disgusting’

White House calls Trump’s comments about African Americans ‘disgusting’

White House calls Trump’s comments about African Americans ‘disgusting’

The White House considered this Tuesday “disgusting”comments of the former president donald trumpwho recently declared that his support among african-American grew because they see him as a victim of discrimination, in an attempt to compare his legal situation with historical racism in the black community.

It’s disgusting and divisive“, said the White House spokesman at a press conference, Karine Jean-Pierrewho is the first African-American to hold that position.

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The spokesperson considered “profane”compare the“long and painful history of abuse and discrimination”from the black community of U.S with the criminal litigation that Trump faces, which in his opinion makes this comparison with “selfish purposes”.

According to Jean-Pierre, the President of the United States himself, Joe Bidenbelieves that these comments from Trump are “disgusting” and generate “division” in the country.

Trump made these statements last Friday, the day before the Republican primaries in South Carolinawhere the African-American community has special relevance and where Trump ended up defeating by a large margin Nikki Haleythe only one left in the dispute against him.

The former president (2017-2021) also compared himself to the late Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalnywhose death the Biden Government attributes directly to the Russian president, Vladimir Putin.

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Trump faces a total of 91 charges spread across four criminal cases and has the dubious honor of becoming the first former president in US history to be indicted.

Specifically, he faces a case in Washington D.C for trying to reverse the result of the 2020 elections, in which he lost to Biden, and in Georgia is trying to defend itself against similar litigation, albeit for its attempts to specifically invalidate the results in that state.

Furthermore, in New York faces charges for alleged irregular payments to porn actress Stormy Danielsis at Florida is accused of having illegally stored confidential material in his mansion in Mar-a-Lago.

Source: Elcomercio

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