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Which countries have the world’s nuclear arsenal and which are the most destructive weapons?

On Thursday, February 29, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the West that there is a “real” risk of a nuclear war breaking out if NATO countries decide to send their troops to the Ukrainian front in the middle of the war that has been going on for two years.

TO LOOK: Putin revives the nuclear threat in the war in Ukraine: how close is this scenario really?

The threat launched by the Russian leader during his speech to the Nation is considered a response to statements by his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, who earlier this week guaranteed the sending of soldiers to Ukraine by the Atlantic alliance.

They started talking about the possibility of sending NATO military contingents to Ukraine, so we remind them of the fate of those who once sent troops to the territory of our country, but now the consequences for potential interventionists will be much more tragic.” Putin said despite the fact that both the military alliance and other member states were quick to rule out the option of directly intervening in the conflict.

Even the French government tried to reduce the level of Macron’s statements the following day, suggesting that a possible deployment of troops would respond to intelligence or demining work.

“They should realize that we also have weapons capable of hitting targets on their territory,” Putin threatened on Thursday during his long speech.

Although the option for Russia to take the nuclear step seems distant, as international analyst Roberto Heimovits recently explained to The tradePutin’s statements continue to cause concern due to the war power that the Eurasian giant possesses.

The Stockholm International Peace Studies Institute estimates that there are currently around 12,705 nuclear weapons in the world distributed in the arsenals of nine countries. Russia possesses around a third of the total of these weapons and in recent years has been responsible for considerably improving its arsenal.

In the following graph created by The trade You will be able to learn more about the countries that have nuclear arsenals, how they have increased them in recent years and which weapons have the greatest destructive capacity.

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Source: Elcomercio

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