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US completes first airdrop of humanitarian aid in Gaza

U.S completed its first airdrop this Saturday humanitarian help in Link through three military planes that distributed approximately 38,000 meals, according to local media.

The US Air Force Central Command used three C130 aircraft launch 66 pallets with food, 22 from each plane.

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The food packages They did not include water or medical suppliesaccording to CNN.

Aid organizations say these airdrops fall far short of meeting food and supply needs in the area, where more than 2 million people face hunger.

Yesterday, the president of U.S, Joe Bidenannounced the airdrop of food and medicine packaging in the Gaza strip and opened the possibility of having a maritime corridor to facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid into the enclave.

“The aid that is flowing to Link it is not enough. There are innocent lives at stake. “Children’s lives are at stake.”stated the president at the beginning of the meeting at The White House with the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni.

In almost five months of war, more than 30,200 people died in the Strip, including 115 inhabitants of Gaza who died on Thursday in a chaotic incident during food distribution in the city of Linkon what Israel He admitted opening fire, but attributed the death toll to an avalanche caused by the hungry crowd that rushed the trucks.

Source: Elcomercio

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