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The United States continues to consider Venezuela a “threat” to national security

The president Joe Biden extended the declaration of national emergency for one year Venezuelafor the “threat” which stands for “the security” It is “foreign policy” in U.SThe White House reported this Tuesday.

In 2015 U.S issued a decree declaring a national emergency in relation to this Caribbean country.

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In it he denounces “the erosion of human rights guarantees“,”the persecution of political opponents, the restriction of press freedom, the use of violence, and human rights violations and abuses in response to anti-government protests“,”arbitrary arrests of protesters” It is “the increasingly exacerbated presence of significant government corruption”.

These circumstances “continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States“, guarantees the The White House.

Therefore, Biden decided to extend the decree for another year.

washington does not recognize the re-election of the Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro in 2018 for considering it fraudulent.

Venezuela It is under US sanctions. The government of Joe Biden Some were partially lifted at the end of last year, in a gesture of goodwill, following an agreement reached in October with the opposition, which scheduled presidential elections for the second half of the year.

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This Tuesday the National Electoral Council (CNE), with an official line, announced that they will take place on July 28th, with Maduro as the natural candidate for re-election and the opposition on the ropes with its main candidate disqualified.

The lifting of the disqualification of all candidates for the elections was another of the demands of the October agreement. And the Biden government accuses Maduro of not complying.

Lately he warned Caracas yes no”change course” will reimpose sanctions on the oil and gas sector in April, as it did in January with the Venezuelan state gold mining company.

Source: Elcomercio

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